
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

哈卡维克发电厂 is located in Øvre Eiker Municipality in Viken County.

  • 1922
  • 7 MW
  • 21、妇女

The power plant was commissioned in 1922 and initially consisted of four generating units with vertical Pelton turbines and a smaller generating unit for local supply. From the beginning, Hakavik has produced "railway power" (single phase 16 2/3 Hz).

A new generating unit was installed in 2019 to replace the old units. The new generating unit of 4.9 MW with a horizontal Pelton turbine with two jets is installed in the location of the old unit 4.

The plant supplies power over three "railway power lines" to Asker, Skollenborg and Sande.

The machine room's eastern gable toward Eikeren still shows the camouflage paint applied by the Germans during World War II. This was to protect the power station and underlines its importance for the infrastructure of Eastern 挪威. The fact that the plant was seized by German airborne troops on the first day of the invasion of 挪威 on 9 April 1940 also confirms the importance of the plant.

The plant's technical equipment, including four Pelton turbines, is virtually unchanged from when it was installed.

哈卡维克发电厂 is one of the oldest power plants in operation. It is a national heritage site and is proposed to be included in mg游戏官方网站's conservation plan for cultural heritage buildings. This applies to the power station's exterior and interior, 还有仓库, 木工车间, penstocks and parts of other installations along the waterway.


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  • 哈卡维克发电厂.

    哈卡维克发电厂 was designed by architect Sigmund Brænne.

  • All four generating units are original

    All four of the original generating units are planned to be retired.

  • The east wall still shows the camouflage paint the Germans applied during World War II.

    The east wall still shows the camouflage paint the Germans applied during World War II.

  • Penstock and building, 哈卡维克发电厂.

    The penstocks and buildings are to be protected as heritage structures.

  • Control room, 哈卡维克发电厂.

    Control room, the console was always staffed in earlier times.

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